cow meaning in marathi

Word: cow
Meaning of cow in english - browbeat, intimidate

Meanings in marathi :

gau ( गौ )
gaay ( गाय )
Synonyms of cow
dishearten terrorize subdue faze frighten unnerve appall bludgeon rattle embarrass daunt strong-arm bully dismay discomfit bluster disconcert enforce hector abash awe bulldoze scare overawe dragoon showboat buffalo lean on push around turn on the heat
Antonyms of cow
hearten calm incite comfort gladden embolden soothe encourage inspirit help
Identical words :
As noun :
cowherd - pendhaaraari ( पेंडारा--री )
coward - bhyaad ( भ्याड )
As adjective :
cowardly - nibhed ( निभेड )
cowrie shell - varaatak ( वराटक )
cowrie shell used as currency - kavadi ( कवडी )
cow that tends to kick - khadaan ( खडाण )
cow that kicks - khurakhodi ( खुरखोडी )
cow used affectionately - gaauuli ( गाउली )
cowherd men and women - gopagavalini ( गोपगवळिणी )
cowherd woman - gaulani ( गौळणी )
cow dung - sen ( सेन )
cowherd boy - govalarū̃ ( गोवळरूं )
cow set free as a religious act - dharmadhenu ( धर्मधेनु )
cowshed - naagothan ( नागोठण )
cow shed - padaal ( पडाळ )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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