Meaning of (अभिनिष्पन्न) abhinishpanna in english

As noun : bloody Ex:  Mike beat Fred into a bloody mess .
absolute Ex:  Hence, there is no absolute motion or absolute rest. radical Ex:  2001: A Space Odyssey was a radical departure from Kubrick's previous films. relative Ex:  The file relative to the case is missing. clear Ex:  I am still not clear about the basic concepts of mathematics. dead Ex:  We chopped the dead branches off the tree . the full measure of fill Ex:  Can you fill me in on the latest position in this matter. plain Ex:  The plain stretched away as far as we could see . positive Ex:  Rahul is more positive while dealing with the petroleum. unconditioned total Ex:  India scored a total of 278 runs. clean Ex:  He ordered the manservant to clean the car. in depth perfect Ex:  She gave a near perfect performance. completed Ex:  Ruchi completed the assignment easily. over Ex:  The brothers had a thorny problem over the property. proven Ex:  a proven liar proved Ex:  Mission that proved aborted was reported in the newspaper. realized Ex:  She realized that she had been cheating her. proof Ex:  Usually people write their name on the flyleaf of their books as proof of ownership. effected Ex:  She could not remeber anything. Her mind went totally blank.
The illness has effected her mind.
He is in his late eighties but his mind is as alert as it was earlier.
Study in the morning with a fresh mind.
As verb : utter Ex:  Sparta pulled itself back from the brink of utter defeat consummate Ex:  "a consummate dissembler" complete Ex:  Firstly you should complete the work in hand before trying the new work. off Ex:  the gang pulled off a bank job in St. Louis up Ex:  She freshened up in the bathroom accomplished Ex:  She is an accomplished dancer. established Ex:  the established social order realised Ex:  Buddha realised that pain is insufferable.
As adjective : integral Ex:  X is not an integral part of the operating system thorough Ex:  His skill rests in his thorough training . plenary Ex:  Simultaneous interpreting is offered in all plenary sessions full fledged clean acceptance,complete,completed,exhaustive,finished,full,ntegral,laudatory,plenary,ripe straight out unqualified finished Ex:  the job was finished in the span of an hour finished Ex:  the job was finished in the span of an hour
As adverb : outright Ex:  She outright denied the charge. in toto thoroughly Ex:  a charming but thoroughly insincere woman through Ex:  The Roman armada sailed through the English channel to conquer Britain
Suggested : complete or total free from imperfection complete perfect of, pertaining to, or belonging as a part of the whole constituent or component stained or covered with blood to give audible expression to speak or pronounce
Exampleअभिनिष्पन्न का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अभिनिष्पन्न) abhinishpanna can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : abhiniShpanna

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