Meaning of ed in english

Interpreting ed - एड़
As noun : contribution Ex:  Smaller contribution and with cultural strengths: Los Angeles उ:   उन्होंने भारतीय बाजार के लिए कई एड तैयार किए।
assistance Ex:  The system was built with assistance from Czechoslovakia. उ:   सिस्टम असफलता की स्थिति में रिकवरी उदाहरण में रीडू लॉग एड करते हैं। subsidiary Ex:  L'Oreal subsidiary Ralph Lauren , Lord & Taylor,, Tommy Hilfiger and Walmart. aid Ex:  However, the foreign aid that Chiang tried to canvass for did not arrive उ:   इनकी नियुंतम योग्यता इण्टर मिडीएट रखी गई लेकिन बी एड को वरीयता दी गई। support Ex:  By January 1979, French support for Bokassa had all उ:   फ़िल्म में एड स्पेलीरस एरागोन की भूमिका में थे। help Ex:  Timely help was given to the injured person. accommodation Ex:  Breaking an accommodation furtherance succor Ex:  Mighty God, we succor backscratching subsidization service Ex:  Take your car for service every 3,000 miles. subservience subsidisation backing Ex:  Matt Helders on drums and backing vocals and Nick O'Malley on bass guitar relief Ex:  Somewhat a relief on both sides of the Atlantic back up Ex:  Outfielders also run to back up infielders on batted balls and thrown balls favor Ex:  I decided in favor of the red one . succour deaf Ex:  A deaf hard of hearing Ex:  to be hard of hearing spur Ex:  Angle Architecture, spur each pier of a bridge, attending in the current point to उ:   एड़ लगाते ही घोड़ा तेज़ी से भागा और घने जंगल में पहुँच गया।
As adjective : hearing impaired
Other : spur Ex:  I-215 and spur route I-515 also serve the Las Vegas metropolitan area. heel Ex:  I was just walking along when my heel broke off .
Suggested : a U -shaped device that slips over and straps to the heel of a boot and has a blunt , pointed, or roweled projection at the back for use by a mounted rider to urge a horse forward
Exampleएड़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ed

Word of the day
ed can be used as noun.. No of characters: 3 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : eDa

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