Meaning of pasand karna in english

Interpreting pasand karna - पसन्द करना
As noun : love Ex:  Leigh told him that she was in love with Finch
appeal Ex:  If the appeal is attempted care Ex:  Home-based care also can have economic fancy as dig opt out of hold Ex:  Some scholars hold that the original teachings of the Buddha are not known. favour Ex:  CN has divested itself of passenger services in favour of VIA Rail Canada. sort Ex:  He envisioned communism not as a return to any sort of idyllic past
As verb : like Ex:  Everybody treats him like a pipsqueak. acknowledge Ex:  Hume did not acknowledge authorship of Treatise until the year of his death choose Ex:  Students can choose from 31 Advanced Placement courses to earn college credits prefer Ex:  They prefer forested areas and transitional zones approve Ex:  It must approve any changes to the Constitution of Bermuda. prefer Ex:  Some languages prefer longer lines fancy Ex:  Will, whim, fancy savour approve Ex:  The Senate is empowered to approve treaties and Presidential appointments.
Other : delight to savour please Ex:  Hold the wire, please . to fancy to savor opt Ex:  Jurisprudence opt to choose Ex:  "myth therefore seems to choose history to like Ex:  Not, however, that I pretend to like it choose Ex:  "myth therefore seems to choose history to please Ex:  and ironically, it does not have the talent to please to love Ex:  Failing to love God and his neighbor select Ex:  Gujarati, Oriya, Urdu, Punjabi and Nepali are also read by a select readership. favor Ex:  No Haredi Orthodox group spoke out in favor of Trembling Before G-d. love Ex:  Failing to love God and his neighbor like Ex:  I like the symphonies composed by Beethoven.
Suggested : a particular kind, species, variety, class, or group, distinguished by a common character or nature to speak or think favorably of pronounce or consider agreeable or good judge favorably the quality in a substance that affects the sense of taste or of smell imagination or fantasy , especially as exercised in a capricious manner to have or keep in the hand keep fast grasp
Exampleपसन्द करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of pasand karna Antonyms of pasand karna

Word of the day
pasand karna can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. Transliteration : pasanda karanaa

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