Meaning of sajana in english

Interpreting sajana - सजाना
As noun : trick up
pink Ex:  Medicine Kind rash without fever, characterized by small pink spots paint Ex:  What comic poet knew better paint ridiculous? Turn someone into ridicule, Mocking him, to show to others what is ridiculous in his person, in his actions, in his speeches tinsel dispose Ex:  It is permitted to dispose of acquests tittivate titivate embellish Ex:  The novelist knew embellish the story of ingenious fictions pipe trick out in doll up drape do Ex:  There was nothing Nagumo could do about it. trick up with kit out trick out kit up garnish trim tool Ex:  Thus, MIS is an important communication tool for managers . size Ex:  Georgia is ranked 24th in size among the 50 U.S. states. brush pattern Ex:  A cyclical alternating pattern may sometimes be observed during a stage. tidy
As verb : adorn Ex:  Put, tapestry adorn the walls of a room, a bedroom, etc उ:   हर घर के लिए थोड़ा-थोड़ा निकालकर सजाना और भेजना। grace Ex:  The operation of grace उ:   मीणा महिलाएं गहने के साथ खुद को सजाना पसंद करती हैं। make up Ex:  Christians make up 61.6% of the country's population उ:   घरों तथा झोपड़ियों की दीवारों को सजाना भी एक पुरानी परंपरा है। decorate Ex:  It said, in terms Kitchen, the accessories are added to certain dishes for flavor or decorate Trim mushrooms, egg yolks, parsley, etc array bedeck beautify Ex:  It spoils every day more and Moreover, it is growing and beautify deck Ex:  Marine Small high construction on the deck of a ship invest dress Ex:  baptismal dress fix up furnish smarten up
As adverb : pretty
Other : to decorate Ex:  Trimmings of silk son Scroll, silver, gold twisted spiral that is used to decorate the drapes, curtains, epaulettes of officers, etc to embellish well-adorne decorated Ex:  Their trains were elegantly decorated to adorn Ex:  TOILET also told the Ensemble clothing, adjustments are used to a woman to adorn herself to beautify to furnish to arrange to dress neatly upholster trigged
Suggested : a color varying from light crimson to pale reddish purple to furnish or adorn with something ornamental or becoming embellish facial cosmetics, as eye shadow or lipstick elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action to decorate or add beauty to, as by ornaments
Exampleसजाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sajana Antonyms of sajana

Word of the day
Usage of सजाना:
1. दिवाली में इस बार फूलों से घर सजाना होगा महंगा LiveHindustan2. घर को नए सिरे से सजाना चाहती हैं रिहाना LiveHindustan
sajana can be used as noun, verb, adverb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : sajaanaa

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