courageous meaning in marathi
Word: courageous
Meaning of courageous in english - brave, bold
Meaning of courageous in english - brave, bold
Synonyms of courageous
tenacious gallant tough daring resolute audacious gutsy valiant fearless strong adventurous heroic spartan assured cool daredevil dauntless doughty fiery game gritty hardy high-spirited indomitable intrepid lionhearted martial nervy plucky stalwart stouthearted unafraid undaunted valorous venturesome adventuresome Trojan fire-eating impavid red-bloodedAntonyms of courageous
cowardly timid meek cautious irresolute weak yielding afraid fearful delicate gentle shy unadventurous mild faint-hearted Marathi to English
English To Marathi