Meaning of najayaj in english

Interpreting najayaj - नाजायज़
As noun : wrong Ex:  I may be wrong
a bit thick inequitable not cricket criminal Ex:  They were stated to be criminal by nature and birth . illegitimate Ex:  Recognizing a child, Declare, in authentic form, it is the father or mother of an illegitimate child unhappy Ex:  I read on your face that you are unhappy out of order out of the way off key
As adjective : unreasonable unlawful unwarranted unjustified unequal Ex:  The cross of Lorraine has two unequal braces improper unworthy Ex:  , Put someone banished from public opinion, the state, proclaim unworthy of any consideration unjust Ex:  It means even unjust action by which one undertakes on the property, the rights of others impolitic shitty abusive unseemly inadvisable uncool indecent ungodly uncalled for unsuitable wrongful incorrect unfair Ex:  The pain makes it unfair shabby undue unlawful उ:   इनके पाँच नाजायज़ बच्चे थे परन्तु कोई भी वैध उत्तराधिकारी नहीं था। illegitimate Ex:  The fruit of an illegitimate love wrongful
Other : unjustifiable
Suggested : unjust or unfair born of parents who are not married to each other born out of wedlock not lawful contrary to law illegal
Exampleनाजायज़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of najayaj Antonyms of najayaj

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Usage of नाजायज़:
1. ज्यादातर को पाट कर उन पर नाजायज़ क़ब्ज़ा कर लिया गयाibnlive.com2. ज्यादातर को पाट कर उन पर नाजायज़ क़ब्ज़ा कर लिया गयाibnlive.comRelated words :
najayaj can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. Transliteration : naajaayaja

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