Meaning of (संयत्त) snyatta in english

As noun : willing
ready made minded at the ready shadow fall back set Ex:  New factories were set up and old ones ran multiple shifts . fit Ex:  To fit all the pieces in the cellar will require the gerber caveat attention Ex:  He came to public attention in 1944 when chary attentive Ex:  It also means minutiae attentive application to cautions conservative Ex:  Many voters are attracted to Unionism's conservative policies watchful particular Ex:  Fate particular person or thing defensive Ex:  Old Havana was also protected by a defensive wall begun in 1674 cautious Ex:  It's a very cautious man, a woman very careful on the alert on the watch guarded Ex:  Tycho guarded his data closely with it Ex:  The marriage brought with it the "Honour of Huntingdon" on the job
As verb : poised inclined Ex:  Who is inclined to love prepared Ex:  Vincent prepared for university up Ex:  On the 30th, Sharon linked up with Eytan near Nakla. finished Ex:  At the time the published version was finished dressed Ex:  be dressed conveniently deliberate Ex:  To deliberate on a matter on a question on an important matter award Ex:  However, he declined to accept the award or appear at the congress. exact Ex:  They say Also Getting to the exact time, at the agreed time, do not expect to
As adjective : raring totally devoted ready Ex:  Defending, defending state Getting ready to defend prompt willing cautious Ex:  It's a very cautious man, a woman very careful discreet thoughtful vigilant mindful jealous careful Ex:  He had been careful to spread his emissaries in every direction heedful meticulous Ex:  meticulous care unobtrusive alert conscious alarmed circumspect Ex:  Driving, circumspect approach sensible alive Ex:  It is impossible to be alive
Suggested : having a certain kind of mind (usually used in combination) made in advance for sale to any purchaser, rather than to order disposed or consenting inclined deviating in direction from the horizontal or vertical sloping (of a person) composed, dignified, and self-assured
Exampleसंयत्त का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(संयत्त) snyatta can be used as noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : s.nyatta

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