crisp meaning in marathi

Word: crisp
Meaning of crisp in english - brittle, dry, fresh, chilly, short, curt in presentation, smart, snappy in appearance

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
kusakusen ( कुसकुसें )
Synonyms of crisp
crusty crumbly plump firm green crunchy friable ripe crispy unwilted brisk refreshing clear bracing stimulating invigorating cloudless penetrating clear-cut brief cutting provoking biting tart abrupt brusque incisive pithy succinct terse piquing neat spruce orderly tidy clean-cut well-groomed
Antonyms of crisp
pliable limp flexible soft temperate warm lengthy long ruffled rumpled dull ambiguous vague kind fuzzy nice sweet untidy
Identical words :
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
criss-crosscrocodile-shaped projection at the front of a chariotcrookedcrookedlycrop of cottoncropcross beamcross-eyedcrossbarcrossed overcrossing a river on footcrossing the boundary of ones villagecrossingcrowcrowd of peoplecrowd of saintscrowdcrowded and noisycrowded placecrowdedcrown made of peacock featherscrowncruciblecrudecruelcrumbcrumbscrumpled piece of clothcrushedcrushing the world