English to Tamil dictionary words starting with m

English to tamil dictionary has over 80,000 words translated in english with related examples, definitions and tamil meanings

ma cerated sandalma chama hesvari who put on a gownma jesticma laccama layalim countryma licious personma nagement of provisionsma nufacturema or third v eacutema sonryma stonema terial substancema thematiciansma tron or ladyma tronmamace bearermacemacerate as foodmaceratemacerated and dried chunammacerated earthmacerated lime for plasteringmacerated limemacerated massmacerated spicesmaceratedmaceratingmachinationmachine consisting of a standing post with a long swivel or sweepmachine for drawing water by a ropemachine for drawing watermachine in generalmachine on an axle turned by the windmachine with leathern buckets and wheel for drawing water from tanksmachine with pistoletsmachinemachinerymachinistmachkerel skymad dogmad foxmad manmadamaddermade a fort through nig gardlinessmade ashamedmade bee or beetlemade by a woman or children decked with ornamentsmade by calcining somemade chiefly of curds good against jaundicemade commonmade for plants in transplantingmade for the occa sion representing the planets to be appeasedmade garmentmade groundmade heavy with stonesmade in the last extremitymade in the name of a person lately deceased for the benefit of the soulmade landmade of clay and driedmade of five metalsmade of goldmade of or adorned with gemsmade of palmyra leaves or other materials for containing flowersmade of pumpkinmade of ratanmade of ribs of palm leavesmade of rolls of cloth dipped in oil and hung by wires to a pole extending across the streetmade of rushesmade of saltpetremade of several vegetablesmade of sticksmade of straw and covered with claymade of thread or of metalmade on a floormade on the appearance of the childs first toothmade or composedmade or done by handmade orderlymade public to get airmade softmade soilmade to a templemade to brahmansmade use of in turning an archmade with a needle and colouring mattermade with cocoa nut milkmadhvachariamadmenmadnessmadura and the parts aroundmadura districtmaduramag nanimitymag netmag nifymag nifying or depreciating by figure of speechmagazinemaggardlinessmaggotmaggots in a carcassmaggotsmagic artmagic for a ma levolent purposemagic ointment rubbed on the eyes or palms of the hand of one who wishes to discover anything lostmagic ointment rubbed on the eyesmagic ointment used in making a black spot on the foreheadmagic performed with preparations of different limbs of the slothmagic resorted to in retaliationmagic squaresmagicmagical bathing of the sick by sprinkling a few drops of water on the head and repeating magical lettersmagical circle or diagrammagical drugs as hairmagical enchantment of eight kindsmagical enchantmentmagical incantationmagical incantationsmagical mer cury pill which fabulously is said to enable a person to traverse the airy regionsmagical pill by which one is supposed to be enable to suppressmagical pill by which one is supposed to be enabled to fly where be may pleasemagical pill giving power to flymagical pillmagical powdersmagical power or influence exerted on a person or thingmagical ritesmagical spot worn on the foreheadmagical swordmagical treatisemagical tricksmagicianmagistracymagistrate of a provincemagistratemagistrates ordermagnani mitymagnani mous liberal manmagnanimitymagnet or load stonemagnetmagnetic iron stonemagnetic needlemagnetic polemagnetic stonemagni ficentmagnificencemagnificent displaymagnifiermagnifymagnifying or depreciatingmagnitudemah aacutemaha merumahabharatmaharatta languagemahratta countrymahratta languagemahrattasmaid servant of kalimaid slavemaidmaidenmail stagemailmailapurmaimmaimed handmaimed personmaimedmain body or division of an armymain bodymain bracemain branchmain division of a treatiesmain door of a square housemain gate to a citymain guardmain object of birthsmain objectmain room and the side room of a hindu housemain root of a treemain spring in a businessmain spring in a machinemain streetmain tenancemaina birdmainatemaintain a course of conductmaintain lifemaintain tenaciouslymaintain themmaintainmaintained in a shastramaintainedmaintainer managermaintainer of justicemaintainermaintaining a creditable appearance