English to Tamil dictionary words starting with a
English to tamil dictionary has over 80,000 words translated in english with related examples, definitions and tamil meanings
a choultrya flower buda form of the verbala legendary tale containing accounts of godsa snake in the grassa youngabandanceabandonabandoned manabandoned personabandoned stateabandoned wretchabandonment of all worldly passions and possessionsabandonment of all worldly possessions and attachmentsabandonmentabaseabasementabashed or baffledabateabatedabatement in priceabatement in severityabatement of tax on land when there is no water for a second cropabatementabating of hungerabatingabbrabbre viationabbreviateabbreviationabbreviationsabdomen a span longabdomenaberration of mind from ignoranceaberration of mind or intellectaberration of mindaberration of the sensesaberrationabhorabhorrenceabhorrentabideabidingabilitiesability in speakingability of speechability to afford protectionabilityabjectabjectnessabjurationablative of separationable manable to afford protectionable to carry a loadable to hold any situationable treatise on grammarableablution in the gangesablutionablutions and other religious rites are deemed more meritorious than at other timesabnormal state of the mental powers as idiocyabode of a deityabode of an ascetic or rishiabode of an asceticabode of benev olenceabode of mortalsabode of rishis or sagesabode of sivaabode of the godsabodeabodes or worlds of rudraaboli tionabolishabolishedabolishmentabolitionabominableabominateabominationaboriginesabortion applied chiefly to brutes the casting of the youngabortionabortiveabortivenessabound in affectionabound opposaboundabounding in graceabounding in prosperityabounding inabounding wealthaboundingabout a templeabout eight secondsabout eighteen cubits longabout four miles on either of its banksabout plantsabout rightabout the frogabout the sun or moonaboutabove cere monyabove creeperabove fish driedabove mediocrityabove men tionedabove mountainabove ones ageabove pipeabove saidabove the comprehension of the vulgarabove the levelabove two kindsaboveabrasionabridgeabridgement of logicabridgementabridgmentabroadabrogateabrupt or crabbed answerabruptabruptlyabrus piccatoriabrus pre catoriusabrus precatoriusabscess imperfectly healedabscessabscessesabscondingabsence of a quality or thingabsence of a thingabsence of cold shows that there is no dew fallingabsence of delusionabsence of desireabsence of good qualitiesabsence of lightabsence of soundabsence of the cause inferred from the absence of the effect asabsence of windabsence or destitu tionabsence or non existense of a causeabsenceabsent mindedabsent staring personabso luteabso lutenessabsolute blissabsolute deity in dependent of agenciesabsolute deityabsolute entireabsolute fastingabsolute negation or non existenceabsolute negationabsolute nothingnessabsolute quiescenceabsolute reposeabsolute sove reignabsolute sovereigntyabsolute titleabsoluteabsolutelyabsolutenessabsolveabsorb as a spungeabsorb at once or very quicklyabsorbabsorbed as water in the system after bathingabsorbed in spiritual contem plations and enjoymentsabsorbing or im bibing quicklyabsorp tionabsorptiom in the deityabsorption in the deityabsorption into the divine essenceabsorption of the senses by sleepabsorption of water in the systemabsorption or abstraction of mind in the contemplation and enjoyment of divine thingsabsorption or restraint of the sensesabsorption with the deityabsorptionabstain from fishabstain from veneryabstaining from food the next dayabstaining from sleep during the nightabstaining fromabstergeabstinence from foodabstinence from killingabstinence from the use of flesh from birthabstinence from venery as a medical prescriptionabstinence from venery as a regimen while taking medicineabstinence voluntary or prescribedabstinenceabstract contemplation of the ascetic in which the soul is sup posed to be independent of the body and mindabstract devotionabstract knowledge of siva as the deityabstract noun and subjective nounabstract noun be longing to a kind of defective negative verb that which is inseparable
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