English to Tamil dictionary
English to tamil dictionary has over 80,000 words translated in english with related examples, definitions and tamil meanings
absorbed as water in the system after bathingabsorbed in spiritual contem plations and enjoymentsabsorbing or im bibing quicklyabrogateabrus piccatoriabscessabsorp tionabsorptiom in the deityabsence of a quality or thingabsence of desireabsence or destitu tionabso luteabso lutenessabsorption into the divine essenceabsorption of the senses by sleepabsorption of water in the systemabsenceabsolute blissabsorption or abstraction of mind in the contemplation and enjoyment of divine thingsabsorption or restraint of the sensesabstain from fishabsent mindedabstain from veneryabstaining from food the next dayabsolute deity in dependent of agenciesabsolute deityabsolute entireabsolute negationabsolute reposeabsolutelyabstaining from sleep during the nightabsolutenessabsolveabstinence from foodabstinence from killingabstinence from the use of flesh from birthabsorb as a spungeabsorbabstinence from venery as a medical prescriptionabstinence from venery as a regimen while taking medicineabstinence voluntary or prescribedabsorption in the deityabsorption with the deityabsorptionabstract devotionabstaining fromabstergeabstract contemplation of the ascetic in which the soul is sup posed to be independent of the body and mindabstract knowledge of siva as the deityabstract noun and subjective nounabstract noun be longing to a kind of defective negative verb that which is inseparableabstinenceabstract nounsabstract of a subjectabstract of accountsabstract remarks or notes in an authors workabstract qualitiesabstract qualityabstractabstraction of mind from worldly objectsabstruse construction of a passageabstruse ideaabstraction of the senses from fearabstractionabstruse meaningabstruse poetryabstruseness of a subjectabstrusities of a scienceabsurd conductabsurdityabundance of flowersabundance of moneyabstruseabstrusenessabundance of waterabundance of wealthabsurdlyabundance as of produceabundant fruitabundant harvestabundant rainabundant sorrowabuse of powerabundanceabundant copiousabundantabundantlyabuse of propertyabuse of thingsabuserabusing one to the faceabusingabusive confu tationabusive languageabusive wordsabyss of the seven nether worldsabuseabusedacacia arabicaacacia leucophl aeacacia pennataabyss including all the nether worldsabyssacacia sundraacacia treeacademy of learningacademyacaly pha betulinsacalypha in dicaacalyphaacacia in the adjective and genitive formsacarus or tick on sheepacarusaccede toaccept the divorceacceptaccedeaccelerateacceptable or delightful thingaccentaccep tationacceptable sentiment or expressionacceptable timeacceptablenessacceptance of a thingaccepting and rejectingaccess toaccident by wateracceptableacceptanceaccident inadvertenceaccident or chanceaccidentally or otherwiseacceptablyaccessibleaccommodating dispositionaccommodating manneraccompained by external gesturesaccompanied with certain ceremonies regarded as auspiciousaccessaccessionaccompanied with horripilationaccompanied with incantationsaccompaniment a form of the third case or the social ablativeaccessoriness to a crimeaccidental occurrenceacclamationaccompanying little drumaccompanying smaller drumaccidentacclivityaccomplisher as in educingaccomplishing an objectaccomplishment of an objectaccomplishment of words or predictions spoken at randomaccidentallyaccommodationaccording to a vowaccording to astrological calculationaccording to hindu notionsaccompanied with or arising from superior knowledgeaccompanied with prayersaccompanimentaccompanyingaccording to hinduismaccording to methodaccording to ones own wishaccording to ones wordaccording to rottleraccompanyaccomplish a purposeaccording to ruleaccording to some schoolsaccording to the actions of previous birthsaccomplishaccording to the actions that gave them birthaccording to the agamasaccording to the ancient usageaccomplished personsaccomplishedaccomplisheraccording to the character of the signsaccording to the destiny of eachaccording to the direction on which it is heardaccomplishment of a dreamaccomplishmentaccording to the languages spokenaccording to the legendaccording to the manner in which they are read or accentedaccording to the mystic cheologyaccording to the mystical philosophyaccording to ancient usageaccording to hindu philosophyaccording to some legendsaccording to someaccording to the preponderanceaccording to the prescription of an astrologeraccording to the proficiency of the wor shipperaccording to the connectionaccording to the different ranks and classes in society as giving alms
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